








【英文介绍/For English】:

Last week, "Tennis Boy" came to an end. Although the ending was perfect, it was still slightly worse than anime and other remakes! As a follow-up drama, "You Are My Answer", although the premiere ratings broke one, but the word-of-mouth hit the street! As for why, the editor believes that it is inextricably linked to the following two questions!

1. The setting is novel, the plot is too procrastinated, and the performance is not full enough

Although "You Are My Answer" is an urban criminal investigation love drama, judging from the plot of the previous few episodes, the drama did not express the tension and excitement of the criminal investigation drama in place, nor did it express the sweetness of the love drama Coming out, on the contrary, it gives people a sense of sight that is too procrastinated and not full enough! For example: In the case of "Cheng Kai" in the first episode, the murderer is obviously "Cheng Kai"'s wife Jiang Chen, but the police are looking for suspicious persons based on the existing clues, and the police are in the process of finding the murderer based on the clues. It was also very procrastinating, and I didn't see the professionalism like other criminal investigation dramas! the

As for the love scene, the breakup between Zhou Yuan and Lin Yao in the opening chapter was a bit too procrastinated, and the process of Zhou Yuan's retaining Lin Yao was also a bit too perfunctory. Secondly, the first encounter between Zhou Yuan and Bai Xiaolu was full of routine. Although the plot that happened afterwards seemed to be a coincidence, the screenwriter did not handle the details carefully enough, which left many slots!

2. Actors perform too hard

Judging from the cast of this show, people have the urge to watch it! However, judging from the character setting of the characters in the play and the performance of the actors in the play, it can be said that it is a bit "excessive force". For example: Bai Xiaolu played by Wu Jinyan is set up as a quirky screenwriter girl in the play. However, judging from Wu Jinyan's performance in the play, the "White Deer" played by Wu Jinyan not only failed to perform the "queer spirits" in place, but also gave the audience a sense of rebellion that does not belong to this age group! And Zhou Yuan, the leader of the serious crime team played by Guo Xiaodong, although he interpreted the image of the "yuppie policeman" just right, Zhou Yuan's love scene in the play is slightly perfunctory, giving people a feeling that Guo Xiaodong did not bring his true feelings to the scene. The sense of sight in the play!

Finally, the editor would like to say that although the urban criminal investigation love drama "You Are My Answer" directed by Han Qing is good at first, I want to promote the development of the case through the conflict between the old and new policemen, and then use the case to promote the emotions in the drama. However, judging from the film and television drama, it weakens the conflict and the case, and overexpresses the love point in the drama. Therefore, while the ratings of this drama continue to rise, the word of mouth is gradually declining! However, the editor is still quite looking forward to the improvement of the plot of this drama in the middle and late stages, so as to change the audience's initial impression of this drama!

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