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"Take Dad to Study Abroad" can be said to be one of the hottest film and television dramas recently. The drama has been highly anticipated by the audience for its novel themes and familiar cast, and with the continuous promotion of the plot, the ratings are steadily increasing Get promoted! However, the ratings of the show have plummeted, so many viewers can't understand why such a TV show that shows the audience the theme of "studying abroad" and "studying with me" has been criticized by netizens! As everyone knows, there are many problems in the play. Therefore, the next editor will talk to you a little bit!

<strong>1. The logic of the plot is poor, and the plot is exaggerated.

<p>The plot rhythm of "Take Dad to Study Abroad" is relatively fast, and there are many foreshadowing and contradictions in the play. It can be said that each episode has quite bright rival scenes, which makes people addicted to the eyes! As a result, the plot logic of the play is not rigorous enough, and the plot is more exaggerated. For example: when Huang Chengdong and his son faced the customs visa, they not only failed to take out the materials prepared in advance, but instead fed them chocolates. took a photo! And when Huang Chengdong learned that his visa was not approved, he successfully saved the six-month visa period by virtue of his body language and poor English. In the following plot, Huang Chengdong, who was in a foreign country, got help from the boss of the car repair shop by virtue of his proficiency in operating all English software to repair automotive electronic equipment. Therefore, these two plots give people a rather unreasonable feeling. After all, Huang Chengdong, who relies entirely on translators and translation equipment for English, is able to operate all English software proficiently, which is unbelievable! And there are many similar plots. Many of the plots in the play are inconsistent with the preface, the logic cannot withstand scrutiny, and there are countless exaggerated plots!

<strong>2. Hard and wide as dense as raindrops

<p>There are also many problems with the placement of advertisements in this drama. Compared with the soft placement of other film and television dramas, the placement of advertisements in this drama is flawed! For example, in the plot, when Huang Xiaodong asked the study abroad agency because he missed the school of his choice, Lin Sa said that he could ask his own agency teacher, so he brought the first hard advertisement in the play to be implanted in "New Oriental". In the plot, Lin Sa lent his translator to Huang Chengdong, who can’t speak English, and brought a second ad placement “Xunfei Translator”, and there are many similar hard and wide placements, such as: various snacks Brands, toiletries, online shopping platforms, etc. These product advertisements and plots have nothing to do with the plot, and it can be said that the implantation is quite a failure!

<strong>3. Routine setting runs through the whole play

<p>Moreover, there are many "routine settings" in the play. For example, the father-son conflict between Huang Chengdong and Huang Zidong in the opening chapter will gradually dissipate with the passage of time and deepen the family relationship! And the irreconcilable contradiction between Wu Dandan and Lin Sa's stepmother and stepdaughter will also change from enemies to friends as they get along with each other! There is also the combination of Huang Xiaodong and Wu Dandan's puppy love CP, which has a sense of instant vision that is so turbulent in the first second, and gluey in the next second! It can only be said that the foreshadowing is not in place, and all the routine settings are gradually exposed!

The above are some of the problems in "Take Dad to Study Abroad". Although the theme of "Take Dad to Study Abroad" is relatively new, it intuitively shows the audience the problems of "studying abroad" and "studying with me"! However, problems such as illogicality, exaggerated plot, and hard-to-broadcast implantation made this show lose its popularity, and thus created a situation of high ratings and low ratings!

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