











【英文介绍/For English】:

Recently, "We Are All Well" starring Yang Shuo, Liu Tao, Jin Chen, Liu Duanduan, and Zhang Yihan is currently being broadcast on Mango TV and Beijing Satellite TV. With the progress of society, people's pace of life is accelerating, and more and more contradictions and psychological Diseases appear in everyday life. The broadcast of this drama has also attracted widespread attention from people. Many viewers said that it fits with real life, so follow the editor to take stock of the real situation.

(1) Complaining to the dearest person all the time

In fact, in our lives, we leave our complaints and bad tempers to our closest people. It seems that we are polite to our classmates and friends, but we tend to bring our emotions to our friends. We usually think that our parents are the people who will never leave us. We always leave our bad temper to our parents and other family members. Facing them, we always appear impatient, but we are extra tolerant to others. In the play, Qianqian and Looking for a couple originally came together because of love, but their values ​​have drifted further and further apart. Two people are living alone, and when each needs the other, neither of them will appear by their side, and after encountering a problem, both of them look for the reason on each other, but they don't stop to look at themselves, Looking for the reasons in themselves, they both complained about each other and left their bad tempers to each other. This is also the reason for their marriage problems.

(2) The doctor exaggerates the condition

In the play, Xiang Qiang took Xun Xun to see a psychiatrist. In fact, Xun Xun's illness was not that serious at all, but in the eyes of the doctor, her illness was very serious, which was scary. From a professional point of view, I think the relatives of the patient should be told about the severity of depression, but when the psychologist went out to answer the phone, he told him to find someone. He really didn't think about a depressed patient. How can these be endured? Therefore, this is also in line with the current life, because of the relationship between interests, how many people have corrupted medical ethics and exaggerated the patient's condition.

(3) People live in mutual envy

In the play, the only friend he is looking for is Wanwan. I can't feel how close they are, they are just helping each other. Both of them have their own families, but their family lives are very different. Looking for the envious life, even though they don't have a lot of money, and her husband still likes to mess with women, but with her husband's company, he will coax her when she is angry, and he will show up when she needs him; But Wanwan, in fact, also has pain in her heart, seeing that many things she wants to buy can’t be bought, and she can only buy them at night market stalls. Although her husband treats her very well, she also has fancy intestines in her stomach. She envies herself Being able to have a man who is as rich as Qianqian can give him the life he wants, and he is very dedicated to himself. They all live in mutual envy, just like people in real life, secretly comparing each other, and envious in their eyes.

(4) Be self-centered, and the three perspectives will never come together

In fact, when everyone encounters something, they always consider their own interests first. This is a very normal thing. However, once you become a self-centered person, it is even more terrifying. In the play, Xiangqian is self-righteous. He thinks that he earns money for his family, and he thinks that with money, he can live better. Therefore, he is always self-centered, flaunting himself in various ways, just to let Xun Xing understand him and agree to support him in various aspects; I don't want to have so much money and stay alone in a deserted house~ In fact, this really reflects the disagreement of the three views, and we can't get together after all. Qiangqian and Xunxun live in different environments, forming two different personalities. Xiangqian knows that he has no money or power and is disliked by others, while Xunxun grew up with a golden spoon in his mouth, so he doesn't care much about power, status, and money. , more want to accompany.

Do you think this show is realistic?

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