






【英文介绍/For English】:

Yesterday, "Kyushu Misty Record" was temporarily withdrawn due to media reasons before it was broadcast, and it was changed to a variety show! And "Fengshen Yanyi" was also withdrawn. However, the TV series "Da Song Juvenile Chronicle" as the successor to "Fengshen Yanyi" was launched in advance without any publicity, and quickly became popular after the broadcast. Good position in the top ten. However, the lead actor and the official blog of the show did not know about the early release until halfway through the first episode, and quickly launched a publicity campaign. Therefore, the ratings of the show's first broadcast were not satisfactory! However, the editor thinks "Da Song Juvenile Chronicles" is a rare good drama! So, today the editor will talk to you about the drama "The Youth of the Song Dynasty"!

"The Chronicles of the Song Dynasty" directed by Liu Chongjie can be said to be a work that combines ancient costumes, blood, spy wars, and suspense. Moreover, the show only has 32 episodes, so the overall plot rhythm is relatively fast, and Judging from the plot of the previous episodes, there is no trace of water injection! In terms of the narrative of the overall plot, the screenwriter also let the audience know the cause of the story and the main characters in the story in the first time! For example: In the first episode, the title of "The old case is brought up again, Yuan Bofin suffers, Yuan Zhongxin is expelled from Taiyuan Academy", and the audience's eyes are locked on Yuan Zhongxin, which also shows that the subsequent plot is more or less At least it revolves around the role of "Yuan Zhongxin"! And the other main characters are inextricably linked with "Yuan Zhongxin"!

In terms of actors, the play abandoned the traditional "old and new" actor model, but chose young actors born in the 90s and 00s. Although the acting skills of these young actors need to be improved, their grasp of the role is still very strong. Very precise. For example: Zhang Xincheng's role as Yuan Zhongxin expresses the "ignorance and incompetence" in the role setting just right, and the cooperation of expressions, movements and lines is also very good, so that the audience has a feeling of not being able to play! Zheng Wei's role as Xue Ying is the kind of ruthless, violent temper played by the son of a general, which is very good! It can be said that every character in the play has their own personal color, but this group of young actors makes the character's personal color shine!

As for serving Huadao, the costumes of this drama are different from those of other Northern Song dramas. The costumes of their characters have added some fashion elements and characters' personalities while maintaining the ancient costumes. In terms of scenes, it also restores the architectural style of the Northern Song Dynasty as much as possible. Both the interior and exterior scenes are very particular, which makes people have an urge to copy and imitate the interior scenes into their homes!

Generally speaking, "Da Song Juvenile Chronicles" is a work that was released in advance. Although the publicity offensive in the early stage is slightly poor, and the ratings of the first broadcast are a bit horrible, but the plot of the previous episodes of this work is good! And whether this work can bring us a different feeling in the subsequent plots remains to be seen!

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