








【英文介绍/For English】:

With the popularity of "If You Can Love Like This", the audience is also full of dog food. Watching Geng Mochi's daily life of loving his wife, many girls' criteria for choosing a spouse must have changed again. After all, now is the rhythm of watching a drama and falling in love with a male lead. I can't wait to smash the TV screen, occupy the soul of the heroine, and have a good relationship with the male lead.

In addition to sprinkling sugar, the show also showed some other problems. The Luo Hao who was scolded by us once was imprisoned because of the framing of his beloved girlfriend Milan for many years, and faced the fate of being sentenced to three years in prison. It was Milan who caused things to come to this point. I have always felt that fate is unfair to me. Seeing that my girlfriends around me are living so well, I am still living in a simple rental house, squeezing the bus and subway to work every day, but my friends can drive a luxury car, live in a luxury house, and enjoy the rich life. human life. Therefore, Milan felt jealous. She thought that one day she would be able to surpass Bai Kaoer and Yingzhi, so she did everything she could to do so. In the end, it was all for naught, and she left an indelible mark in the industry.

In the end, Bai Kaoer persuaded Geng Mochi to arrange for Milan to be his personal assistant. I thought Milan would be grateful, but unexpectedly, when she saw the daily love between Bai Kaoer and Geng Mochi, coupled with the fact that she was not valued, evil thoughts appeared again. He stayed by Geng Mochi's side in a depressed mood all day long, seeing Bai Kaoer and Geng Mochi's wedding was about to be held, his teeth itch with hatred. Seeing Milan who is ugly due to jealousy, I really miss the kind Milan who was there for Bai Kaoer and Yingzhi.

People always become, no matter how close they were to each other. In the past, Bai Kaoer and Yingzhi would contact Milan as soon as they encountered something. Among the three, it seems that Milan is the one who maintains the most important relationship. But now, the relationship between Yingzhi and Bai Kaoer is even closer, and they talk about everything. Even Bai Kaoer's pregnancy, Yingzhi is the first person to know, and has been keeping it a secret for her. This kind of relationship is called Only trust can be called a best friend.

Besides, Milan, she is now Geng Mochi's personal assistant, and she is always asked about Bai Kaoer's past. Milan is a scheming girl who wants to destroy the happy life of Geng Mochi and Bai Kaoer, so she always says something on purpose to make Geng Mochi What happened before the jealous and even angry Bai Kaoer. Anyone who has watched this drama knows that Milan is not the kind of silly, sweet girl. She has been an entertainment reporter for so many years, and she understands the implication of some words. In fact, she did it on purpose.

The closest person, the person who knows himself best, is the most dangerous person around. We have learned since we were young: there is no reason to have the intention of harming others and the desire to be defensive, but how many people really do it. We may not care too much about strangers hurting us, but after being hurt by the most trusted person, the feeling is tantamount to the whole world betraying us. Some netizens said that Bai Kaoer was too kind. Indeed, people are inherently kind. She never thought that the best friend she grew up with would be a time bomb around her, and she would be blown up at any time.

Finally, the editor would like to say that we really should not have the intention of harming others, because we all understand the truth that harming others will eventually harm ourselves. I believe that in the end Milan will definitely pay the price for what they did. However, the heart of defense is indispensable. Bai Kaoer is too kind, thinking that everyone in the world will be as naive as herself. Even after experiencing an emotional betrayal, she still looks like a little white rabbit. This is probably her nature. . I hope we will neither be a scheming girl like Milan nor an innocent girl like Bai Kaoer. The word "bad guy" will never be written on a person's face. We must understand the thoughts of everyone around us when we get along, and don't wait until we are hurt to blame ourselves for being blind.

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