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"Our Forty Years" tells the story of Feng Du (played by Jin Shijia), a young man who grew up in the old Beijing Hutong in the late 1970s, at the home of his little friend Xiao Zhan (played by Li Mao), and his first acquaintance with TV , was deeply shocked by the world on the screen. From then on, he used TV as his career all his life. Although it is based on the perspective of children who grew up in the old Beijing Hutongs, the editor thinks it is more like our own "Please Answer 1998". It's a show that I highly recommend for parents to watch. It is a heart-warming drama that combines childhood, youth, love, friendship, neighborhood love and even national development. Those born in the 00s may not have such deep feelings, but the very few born in the 90s and the majority born in the 70s and 80s will lament that this is replicating our childhood life when watching it, and will also recall that beautiful distant memory.

The first episode starts with a documentary black-and-white short film that pays tribute to the 40 years of reform and opening up. There are not many cars in this city, there are not so many colorful clothes on the streets, and there are no game consoles and Internet cafes in front of the school. At that time, people's life was very simple, repeating a single, boring life every day, but different stories were staged. But the arrival of television has added a little spice to life. At that time, TV sets were not like what they are now. Basically every household had one. If a family got one, the status of that family would be more than a section higher than that of the whole hutong or the whole village, but the yard soon changed. In the first episode, the scene of Xiao Zhan's family yard is comparable to an open-air "cinema". Xiao Zhan's grandfather got a TV from the Soviet Union because of the Red Army. One day, two days is okay, ten days, half a month is okay, but beyond this time, to be honest, whoever can bear it, the yard is like a garbage battlefield every day, and it’s not to blame for the first episode and later, Xiao Zhan’s mother Behavior and expressions.

In addition to the script being a good script, the acting skills of the whole show are really on the show, and the acting skills of the old actors are undoubtedly the best. But the director's control over the casting and acting skills of the young actors is really in place. It really makes people sigh that a child who is not naughty and mischievous is not fun. For example, in the first episode, Xiao Heizi, Feng Duzi, and Xiao Zhan played a role-playing game, and the scene where Xiao Zhan was almost burned to death made people laugh and cry. No matter what era and stage you are in, let alone a friend who grew up in the same place, there must be an elf among them who can be called an alley intelligence agent. A quick look at those children is Feng Duzi, who is clever and clever. I also love to study, not to mention the first place in the exam, in the later episodes, I "saved" a TV set to compete with my father. Although it exploded once before, but because of that perseverance, I still succeeded. , Feng Duzi was only a sophomore in high school at that time. For every person who has the courage to stick to his dream, when everyone around him looks down on him, or even thinks your dream is just a joke, there is one person who will support and encourage all your dreams, if it is not for the encouragement, companionship and support of his girlfriend Yichun , he will not succeed in "saving" into a TV, even though he is a scumbag behind him!

Under the fast-paced big cities, how long have you not felt the special feelings between neighbors? If you have not felt or lost this special feeling, you can experience it in the play. For example, when Xiao Zhan's parents go on a business trip or work late, Xiao Zhan will be called to his house by Feng Duzi's father for dinner. For example, in the following plot, Xiao Zhan's family was almost taken to the Northwest by Fan Jinyou. Gathered at Feng Duzi's home for a discussion. This allowed Xiao Zhan's mother to truly appreciate the special feelings between neighbors, and she no longer hated all the big guys coming to watch TV at home, and even took the initiative to invite the big guys to watch TV in the courtyard of the house, and gave back to the courtyard. The neighbors distributed white rabbit candies. As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and the neighborhood relationship in the play makes everyone really feel the meaning of this sentence.

This is really a heart-warming drama that combines childhood, youth, love, friendship, neighborhood and even national conditions. The warmth you have felt in those memories and the old Beijing city you have seen seem to be experienced and felt. I wonder if you like such a drama that can evoke your memories? At least the editor likes this youth drama as much as those who gave five stars on Douban!

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