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【英文介绍/For English】:

Recently, some media photographed Chen Sicheng and his girlfriend Ruan Ju appearing on the streets of Beijing. After the two parked the car, Chen Sicheng held Ruan Ju's shoulders to go shopping. They seemed to be in a good relationship. It is reported that Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju went to eat Guizhou beef. The interaction is sweet, like a couple in love. Everyone is curious whether Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju are married? How old are the two? Many people said that although Ruan Ju is young, his appearance is not as good as Tong Liya. In fact, there is nothing comparable. Chen Sicheng and Tong Liya are already married, and the partner they choose has nothing to do with the other person.

Chen Sicheng is forty-five years old this year, he is well maintained, he is already a middle-aged uncle, and Ruan Ju is 21 years younger than Chen Sicheng, so many people think the age difference is too big, Ruan Ju is only 24 years old, Is there really a common topic between her and Chen Sicheng? Chen Sicheng should be about the same age as Ruan Ju's parents. Will Ruan Ju's family accept it? Even if Chen Sicheng is a star, at his age, it might be difficult to convince Ruan Ju's family.

On February 7, the media broke the news that Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju went to a restaurant in Guizhou for dinner. Ruan Ju is from Guizhou. Chen Sicheng should know that Ruan Ju misses the taste of his hometown, so he took her there to eat. It shows that Chen Sicheng loves his girlfriend very much.

The love affair between Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju was exposed last year. At that time, Chen Sicheng was attending a gathering of friends and happened to be photographed being intimate with a woman. The two were obviously not ordinary friends. The relationship was exposed like this. Neither Chen Sicheng nor Ruan Ju Denying this incident shows that they are indeed talking, but it is relatively low-key.

This time, Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju were photographed behaving intimately again. Some people broke the news that Chen Sicheng had brought Ruan Ju to meet his parents. There is no news of their marriage yet. They should still be in love. I don’t know if Ruan Ju will be in the future. Will marry Chen Sicheng. I thought that Chen Sicheng and Tong Liya would always be together, but I didn't expect that it would end in divorce, and Chen Sicheng also had a new love.