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【英文介绍/For English】:

"League of Gentlemen" is adapted from the original novel "The Case of Zhang Gong", which revolves around the process of Zhang Ping and Lan Jue teaming up to solve the case. According to the current plot, it is speculated that the Queen Mother is the mastermind behind the scenes. I can't help but wonder what happened 20 years ago What's the matter, some people say that the Empress Dowager is based on Wu Zetian, is that true? Does the Empress Dowager have a historical prototype?

The Queen Mother played by Shi Yueling is not simple. She can sit in this position, which shows that she has certain skills and is not a soft persimmon at the mercy of others. This play is fictitious, and the characters in it have no prototypes, including the two male protagonists, so the Queen Mother is not a real historical figure.

What the queen mother did twenty years ago brought her own death. Anyone who was used by her has already been murdered, and the true face of the queen mother will be exposed sooner or later. Back then, the Empress Dowager wooed people from Moluo Village in order to fight for power. This village is not an ordinary person. Everyone can use the magic mirror, which is hypnosis, to know what the other person is thinking.

Later, the Empress Dowager's Southern Expedition Army was wiped out due to her own selfish interests. She was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so she sent her confidant Xuanji to find someone to slaughter Moluo Village. In addition to Xuanji, Erpi Jiang and Chang Wei were also involved in this matter. The murderer, in fact, there are still people who survived in Moluo Village. Mr. Jinghu and Zhang Ping are both descendants of Moluo Village, but Zhang Ping doesn't know his own life experience.

Mr. Jinghu is Gu Qingzhang. He hides his true identity for revenge. Erpi Jiang, Chang Wei and Xuanji were all designed to die by him, and the queen mother is next. In addition to destroying Moluo Village, the queen mother also framed Lan Jue's father for collaborating with the enemy and treason. Because Lan's father knew her secret, in order to cover up the truth, the queen mother could only kill her.

Lan's father was a loyal minister, but the queen mother threatened him with Lan Jue's life. Lan's father could only plead guilty and died wronged. Lan Jue always felt that his father's death was strange, so he investigated the truth with the help of Zhang Ping. The ending of the murderer behind the scenes must have been exposed, and her brilliant life ended.