最近有很多热心网友都十分关心一等绯闻表白第几集 男主的痴情终于迎来光明这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「高姿態美女」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。








【英文介绍/For English】:

"First Class Gossip" is about the romantic love story between the cram school teacher and the proprietress of the small vegetable shop. Of course, the story background of the play is the cram school for the students. For many people, the homework of the students is more important than everything else, and our hero is A very capable and a little bit arrogant teacher of a cram school, because of tutoring the students, she got acquainted with the heroine.

To put it bluntly, he is a star lecturer in a cram school. He is capable and eloquent. Of course, the most important thing is that taking his class can improve students' grades, so his popularity is very high. The most important thing is that the male protagonist is handsome, which is also the reason for many female students. One of the reasons why I like his courses is that the heroine's daughter (actually a niece) is also in the male protagonist's remedial class.

But because of an exam, the heroine's daughter failed, so she was not able to attend the elite class, but unexpectedly, the heroine's food cured the hero's anorexia.

The fate between the male protagonist and the female protagonist is thus opened. As the teacher of the cram school, the male protagonist cannot teach the students privately, so he uses his private time, and he will not charge the female protagonist for tutoring fees. The male protagonist provided the meals, and with the help of the male protagonist, the daughter made rapid progress in her grades and even won the first place.

It is also because of this opportunity that the male protagonist sees the good qualities of being strong, kind and hard-working in the female protagonist, and is attracted unconsciously, his heartbeat will speed up, and the female protagonist's frown and smile will appear in key dreams. But I heard from the neighbors that the heroine's husband is working abroad, so if I like the heroine, wouldn't it destroy other people's families.

The male protagonist can only bury his love deeply, and even said some words against his will. Both the male and female protagonists are very hurt. But fortunately at the end of episode 10, the daughter revealed that the heroine is actually not her own mother, but her aunt, and she is not married, she is single, and all this is for herself.

After the male protagonist heard the news that the female protagonist is unmarried and has no children, he was shocked and excited. Two people who are also single can fall in love, and he can pursue her openly. This surprise came too suddenly.