本篇文章给大家谈谈女人们的谈话结局是什么 她们选择留下还是逃离,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。







【英文介绍/For English】:

The story of "Women's Conversation" takes place in a remote colony where the mind is closed and women are slaves to men without freedom. After the men go to the battlefield, these women sit together and talk, and they want to change their destiny. , I must be very curious about the final ending of this movie, do the women choose to stay or flee?

This film mainly revolves around the stories of hundreds of women in religious colonies who have been abused by local men for a long time. The oppression of men’s rights has made women’s lives shattered. They also want to live hard, but they have no ability to resist. Women A conversation started with his daughter in order to protect himself.

Women are often violated in the middle of the night. Men drug women to satisfy their selfish desires and put them into a coma so that they can do whatever they want. When women wake up and see their own bruises, they know what happened, but they cannot determine who is it. The beasts that violated themselves, so the men in the whole town became the targets of their revenge.

When the women were most helpless, things turned around, that is, the local men were going out to fight and came back a few days later, when they left, the women got together and held a meeting, and they had to make a decision before the men came back , in the end is to stay or run away.

Through the conversations of these victimized women, we can see the oppression suffered by women and the awakening of women’s consciousness. Most women want to resist because they are experiencing mental and physical torture. If they do not resist, they will have no chance to decide themselves. Of course, some people choose to let nature take its course. They consider many things, such as whether the resistance will be successful, how to live in the future, etc. In fact, these are nothing in front of freedom and human rights.

In the world of this group of women, they have never been respected by men, and finally choose to fight and leave their hometown together to start a new life. As for the stories that happened to the women after they left, the novel does not record them.