今天哈哈娱乐网给各位分享的知识,其中也会对显微镜下的大明之丝绢案是真实的吗 帅家默父母死因揭秘进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在我们开始吧!







【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Silk Case of Ming Dynasty under the Microscope" mainly revolves around the "Silk Case". This case is related to the death of Shuai Jiamo's parents. The audience is very curious whether the story told in this play is true?

The background of the story is real, but Shuai Jiamo and what happened to him are fictitious. There is no such person as Shuai Jiamo in history. According to the outside world, there was a scandalous embezzlement case in Jin'an Mansion. The mastermind behind the scenes was Shuai Jiamo's father, Shuai Duncheng. It looked a little outrageous, if he committed suicide, there was no need to take his wife with him. At that time, Shuai Jiamo was still young and needed someone to take care of him. Once the couple died, Shuai Jiamo would be in a very difficult situation.

It can be seen from this that Shuai Duncheng and his wife should not have committed suicide. Guessing from the plot, Shuai Duncheng discovered the muddled account of human silk tax. He wanted to investigate clearly, so he offended the interest group behind it. The other party would kill to cover up the truth. , so Shuai Duncheng probably died of homicide.

Some people speculated that Shuai Duncheng knew that he could not escape the fate of being killed. In order to keep his son alive, he and his wife set themselves on fire and died. I hope that interest groups will let Shuai Jiamo off because he is still young. This possibility is unlikely. , the mastermind behind the scenes is ruthless and will use any means to achieve the goal. Shuai Duncheng can't guarantee that the other party will spare Shuai Jiamo. It can be seen that the first guess is more convincing.

Shuai Jiamo found the loophole in the silk case by accident, and launched an investigation. He found that it was related to the death of his parents. He had to find out the truth, but there were too many people involved in the silk case, and many court officials had nothing to do with the case. If it doesn't matter, Huang Zhifu is also difficult to deal with.

In the novel, Shuai Jiamo and Cheng Renqing investigated the silk case clearly. After everything was settled, Shuai Jiamo was exiled and Cheng Renqing was sentenced to death with a reprieve. In short, both of them ended badly. This is more realistic.