本篇文章给大家谈谈女士的品格安欣为什么选择陆泽宁 真挚的感情才最重要,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。









【英文介绍/For English】:

"Female Character" An Xin is a strong woman that many people like very much. Although she is middle-aged, she is capable and has a high EQ and is very resourceful. He is the envy of many people, and his love with Lu Zening has gradually become clear during the work process.

Anxin's ex-husband Jiang Hongkai is a scumbag. When he was young, he started a business with Anxin. It was Anxin's hard work that made Jiang Hongkai's business gradually flourish, and he was able to achieve his current results. At the beginning, the two chose to be DINKs. In middle age, An Xin was unable to bear children. Jiang Hongkai found a mistress to conceive and planned to have his own child.

An Xin couldn't accept Jiang Hongkai's betrayal, so he just issued a divorce papers, half of the property needed to be given to himself, and the rest was his own, which was very domineering.

After the divorce, An Xin was pursued by Mike, the rich second generation of the little milk dog. Unfortunately, An Xin didn't like the type of little brother. She had her own criteria for choosing a mate and her own bottom line, so she directly rejected the little milk dog's courtship.

After continuing to work, An Xin was very moved by the meticulous care and help from her junior brother Lu Zening, but because she just divorced, An Xin didn't know whether to accept it, or she was afraid of married life in her heart.

With Yao Wei's help, An Xin realized her inner weakness, and tried to relax herself gradually, to enjoy the present, without thinking about what would happen to them in the future. After a period of time, An Xin gradually let go of her guard and accepted Lu Zening.

An Xin and Lu Zening are students in the same school and work in the same company. Although Lu Zening is much younger than An Xin, Lu Zening is young, promising, and very talented. He treats An Xin with sincerity and no expectations. Lie, it was so sincere that An Xin accepted Lu Zening's courtship calmly.

At the school's sports meet, An Xin took his niece, Lu Zening and his son with them. They cooperated tacitly together and were closer than relatives. This time, An Xin really found the right partner.