据哈哈娱乐网网站「霸气十足」消息,近日,星落凝成糖男主为什么四个身份 四个人有什么区别引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。







【英文介绍/For English】:

Chen Xingxu plays the male protagonist Shaodian Youqin in "Starfall Turns into Sugar". He plays four roles in this drama, so I am curious why the male protagonist has four identities? It seems that the male protagonist is not easy to set up. Let's understand the difference between these four characters and how did they come from?

First of all, Shaodian Youqin is the only male protagonist, and the other three are his clones. Shaodian Youqin has a noble status, he is the son of the Emperor of Heaven, and his title is Xuanshang Shenjun. He is transformed by the spirit of the stars, so he shoulders the responsibility of protecting the common people.

Shao Dian Youqin is the prince of the heavens, with a respected status and a pure heart. Although he has a cold and arrogant personality, he cares about the common people in the world and takes maintaining peace in the four realms as his duty. In order to make himself stronger, Shaodian Youqin cuts off love and love, and devotes himself to cultivation. In his opinion, nothing is more important than all living beings. The Emperor of Heaven named him Xuanshang Lord, hoping that one day he can inherit the great order and be qualified to share with him. The ability to sit on the throne of the emperor.

Shao Dian Youqin was in the turbulence of Guixu, and when the four worlds were in turmoil, he tried his best to repair Guixu and prevent chaos from appearing in the world. As a result, his vitality was seriously injured, and his spiritual consciousness also fell because of this, but his spiritual consciousness did not disappear completely. Instead, it became the three clones of Shaodian Youqin, namely Lamu, Wuqing and Wenren.

Although the three avatars look the same, their personalities are completely different. Lamu is a fire demon with a bad temper and always gets into trouble. Playboy. There is also a cold killer who is ruthless. What he is best at is killing people. He is ruthless and unjust, just like a killing machine.

In short, the three avatars of Shaodian Youqin are different. They can be regarded as things hidden deep in the heart of the body. Everyone's soul is like this. Where there is light, there is darkness. The three avatars are Shaodian Youqin who has been suppressing However, this does not affect Shaodian Youqin's righteousness in her heart, and she looks forward to his final outcome.