






【英文介绍/For English】:

The Truth of the Nine Heavens Cold Night Nursery Rhyme Case

1. The truth about the nursery rhyme case of "Nine Heavens Cold and Warm Night": Zhang Yuchu's wife fell in love with Qiren and would rather die than leave him, so Zhang Yuchu hated Qiren.

2. Zhang Yuchu loved his wife deeply. After his wife died, he hid her body in the ice cellar to prevent her body from decomposing.

3. Afterwards, Zhang Yuchu successively designed and killed four pro-Qi officials of Qianguo. Finally, Zhang Yuchu pleaded guilty and chose to commit suicide.

Nine Heavens Cold Night Warm Nursery Rhyme Case Ending

The ending of the nursery rhyme case in "Nine Heavens Cold and Warm Night" is that the murderer Zhang Yuchu was caught. He admitted that he killed the four adults, and then Zhang Yuchu committed suicide.