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【英文介绍/For English】:

At the end of "Female Forensic Doctor JD", Liu Zhiming was attacked by a mysterious "postman". Season 2, everyone is most curious about who the boss of CCS is. He has been hiding behind his back, and no one has seen his true face, so the identity of the big man will be revealed in the second season.

Originally, the "postman" character was going to kill jd. Lin Xiaomei helped jd block the bullet, which was a bit unprepared. Liu Zhiming hurried after the "postman" and asked who the boss of CCS was, but the other party was very cunning and threw down a For the photo, I asked Liu Zhiming to ask Yang Jingfeng. Afterwards, the "postman" left and came. Liu Zhiming did not continue to chase, because even if he caught up, it would be useless. The "postman" is just a small person. It won't be revealed easily. In this way, we can only wait for the second season to investigate the identity of the CCS boss.

After Song Lihong's funeral, it was Liu Zhiming who asked Yang Jingfeng and learned that the photo was taken more than 20 years ago. There were three graduates standing in front of a certain school building, namely Yang Jingfeng, Song Lihong and Li Fang. All three wanted to be Forensics, it's their dream, and it's anyone's guess whether the CCS boss will be among them.

First of all, Yang Jingfeng is not the boss, because the "postman" asked Liu Zhiming to ask who Yang Jingfeng's boss is, so the boss is someone Yang Jingfeng knows. Then Song Lihong was also excluded. He had many opportunities to get rid of Yang Jingfeng, but he didn't do that, so Song Lihong would not be the boss.

Then the third person in the photo, Li Fang, doesn’t look like the boss either. He doesn’t have the aura of a villain, so he should have nothing to do with CCS. Since the three people in the photo have been excluded, who is the boss of CCS? Some people speculated that it was the person who took the photo, that is, the fourth person on the scene. This person who did not appear in the photo should be the boss. I look forward to the second season, which will reveal the boss behind CCS.