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【英文介绍/For English】:

On December 21, 2022, some media broke the news that Bi Ying is still Zhang Danfeng's agent. Netizens are arguing about it, because Zhang Danfeng once said that Bi Ying resigned, but he was photographed in the same frame again. Could it be that Zhang Danfeng was in the same frame before? To deceive everyone? The incident between Zhang Danfeng and Bi Ying dates back to 2018, when Bi Ying served as Zhang Danfeng's agent.

In July 2018, it was revealed that Zhang Danfeng was suspected of cheating on her manager Bi Ying. The whistleblower also gave a lot of information. At that time, Bi Ying posted a message in response to her relationship with Zhang Danfeng. She said that the two only had the grace of knowing each other. Zhang Danfeng was her benefactor and did not exist. Love between men and women.

After this incident was exposed, there was an uproar on the Internet, and Zhang Danfeng's image of a good man collapsed in an instant. Later, Hong Xin posted an article saying that Zhang Danfeng had not cheated, but this could not completely convince netizens, after all, some rumors were not groundless.

In August 2018, Zhang Danfeng and Hong Xin were interviewed together. Both said that the rumors were false and the family lived happily. In September, some netizens met Zhang Danfeng and Hong Xin, who were accompanied by a male assistant. There was no sign of Bi Ying.

In April 2019, it was revealed that Zhang Danfeng was in the same room with Bi Ying. At the same time, some netizens discovered that Hong Xin deleted the photo with Zhang Danfeng. The matter intensified. Zhang Danfeng's studio issued an article saying that it would sue for false rumors. In May of the same year, Zhang Danfeng stated that Bi Ying had resigned. Later, the media photographed Zhang Danfeng and Hong Xin attending a wedding together, and the relationship between the two seemed very good.

In June 2019, Zhang Danfeng and Hong Xin traveled with their daughter, and the couple got along harmoniously. Since the Zhang Danfeng incident, the relationship between him and Hong Xin has attracted much attention. In 2021, Zhang Danfeng and Hong Xin were photographed traveling together. In September 2022, Hong Xin was still helping Zhang Danfeng promote the new drama on Weibo. I thought they had reconciled as before.

Unexpectedly, in November 2022, some media broke the news that Bi Ying is still helping Zhang Danfeng with work. Hasn't she already resigned? This matter is puzzling, and we can only wait for Zhang Danfeng to respond.