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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Infinite Transcendence Class" has already started broadcasting. The top actors and directors in the circle act as instructors. The lineup is very strong. The entertainers and guests invited by the program group are also very interesting. Everyone is full of topics, and Zhao Yingzi has the highest exposure. She not only mentioned "Dimi Mengzha" in her self-introduction, but also responded to the incident of fainting on the red carpet. In short, after the camera of Zhao Yingzi was broadcast, she was directly searched on the top. Is this the so-called "black red" ?

Zhao Yingzi is the most controversial among the guests participating in the show. She participated in "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves" before, and she has vicious and low EQ operations, so many people can't like her. Before, when Zhao Yingzi participated in a certain red carpet ceremony, she suddenly fainted at the scene. After watching it, netizens said that Zhao Yingzi was a flop.

Why do netizens say that? Because Zhao Yingzi fell very unnaturally, and she fell down by looking to the right, so most people suspected that she was a flop. After this happened, Zhao Yingzi responded, but it was hard for everyone Her words convince.

Zhao Yingzi mentioned the post-red carpet flopping incident in "Infinite Transcendence Class". She said that she would get up wherever she fell. Er Dongsheng asked her "Is that picture a real fall or a flop?" Zhao Yingzi answered with certainty " I really fell down", Wu Zhenyu raised his own question "why the fall is so fake".

Obviously, not only netizens, but even celebrities think that Zhao Yingzi is flopping. Of course, Zhao Yingzi is also trying to convince everyone. She said that she was filming "Seamless Clothes" at the time. Because it was a finale, she filmed for more than 40 hours. Walking on the red carpet, I was tired and cold, and fainted to the ground due to exhaustion. This is the first time Zhao Yingzi officially responded to the fall on the red carpet. Some people believe it and some people don't believe it. , I don’t know what performance Zhao Yingzi will have in "Infinite Transcendence Class" next, I am still looking forward to it.