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【英文介绍/For English】:

The 8th episode of "Dark Glory 2" was released. The heroine's revenge succeeded, which made the audience feel relieved. After all, for this kind of cool drama about the heroine's revenge, I'm afraid that the ending will be unfinished, and the villain will have to be whitewashed Fortunately, "Dark Glory 2" did not live up to our expectations, allowing us to accompany the heroine step by step to the end, and let the villains and villains be punished.

The ending of "Dark Glory 2": Dong En's revenge succeeded, and the hero Ruzheng had a hearty drink, and then wanted to commit suicide. At the critical moment, the hero's mother appeared, and she said that because of her appearance, her son had a good life The life of a normal person is also because her appearance brought a smile to her son's face, so she begged Dong En not to commit suicide, hoping that she could continue to help her son and make her a normal person.

Dongen heard Ruzheng's mother's words, thought of what he did to him before, and those moments when he warmed himself, and then Dongen decided to live well. Later, Dong En worked as a volunteer in the temple. One day she knocked on the door of Ruzheng's house and brought food to Ruzheng. Then they kissed happily.

Dongen said that he wanted to be Ruzheng's knife, so he asked himself to help Ruzheng this time, and then the two came to the prison together. Ruzheng became a doctor in the prison, and Dongen became a psychological counselor, giving speeches to criminals. Use your positive words to bring them hope.

This time, Dongen and Ruzheng teamed up again in the prison. Of course, our very key character nanny must also appear, so the nanny who waited for Dongen’s text message in the finale was ready again and put on his favorite lipstick to prepare for the follow-up revenge. Prepare.

The five-member team including the villain Yanzhen was punished. Yanzhen was divorced and imprisoned, Jaejoon died, the painter was also imprisoned for an attempted murder, the flight attendant lost her vocal cords, and turned against everyone. Get back to shape.

Of course, there is also the male Er Doyoung that we like very much. He got rid of Jaejoon, and after eating a rice ball with the hostess in a convenience store, he left Korea, took his daughter and started a new life in a new country.