据哈哈娱乐网网站「呐殇╰太刺眼」消息,近日,黑暗荣耀2神婆为什么真死了 超现实的设定让复仇更带感引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。








【英文介绍/For English】:

"Dark Glory 2" has a very intentional scene. When the witch was doing the practice, she died suddenly. Regarding the death of the witch, many people thought it was a fake at first, but later found out that the witch was really dead. It is said that God is punishing everyone, so they all ran away, and Dong En was left alone to watch the sorceress burst into tears. It will be punished, it's not not reporting, it's because the time has not come.

In episode 7 of "Dark Glory 2", the witch died suddenly. This reversal caught people off guard. After all, at the beginning everyone knew that Dongen used the witch to do bad things, threatened her, and asked her to use some feudal superstitions to break Yanzhen's psychological defense. Dongen knew that the witch was just pretending to be a ghost, so he just watched this farce as an ordinary person .

But later, the witch said that she was Yin Suxi's upper body, and also said what Yin Suxi and Yanzhen said when they were talking, and Yanzhen was completely panicked.

At that time, Yin Suxi was pushed downstairs by Yanzhen, and the name tag fell on the ground. At that time, Dongen happened to be downstairs. He just saw Yin Suxi's body and didn't know the conversation between them, so for some capable witches, at first It was indeed pretending to be a ghost, but when she looked at the sky for the second time, Yin Suxi was really possessed.

That's why the witch told the secrets of being bullied, and successfully broke Yanzhen's psychological defense. Because the witch is half-baked, and she uses the temple to do bad things, that's why the soul is possessed, and she can't bear it. live, and finally die.

This scene is actually very interesting. Using a scene beyond reality to tell karma, just like what Dong En said: both people and gods will be on their side. I also told Dong En that she has always felt that Yin Suxi is the only one in these years. Echoes by your side.

In the end, Dong En went to visit Yin Suxi and said congratulations to you, congratulations to me, and congratulations to our 19 years old. Both Yin Suxi and Dong En were bullied by Yanzhen, and now they finally ushered in a new life.