






【英文介绍/For English】:

The final ending of the long river in the world

1. The final ending of "The Long River in the World" is that Chen Huang and Jin Fu passed away one after another. Kangxi handed over the important task of controlling the river to Yu Zhenjia. Yu Zhenjia lived up to the entrustment of the emperor and managed the Yellow River.

2. Kangxi was very sad when he saw the water control books left by Jin Fu and Chen Huang. Both of them were geniuses in river control. It was a pity that God was jealous of the talents and failed to see the success of Yellow River control.

3. When Kangxi went out to inspect the palace, he came to the Hebo Temple to cherish the memory of Jin Fu and Chen Huang. The Qing Dynasty lost two rare capable people, and it may be difficult to meet talents as outstanding as them in the future.

How many sons does the Emperor of Changhe have?

In "The Long River Under Heaven", the emperor has 24 sons. The prototype of the emperor is Emperor Kangxi Aixinjueluo Xuanye, who is the fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty.