






【英文介绍/For English】:

Who is the person Mingwu likes in the glory of darkness

1. The person Ming Wu likes in "Dark Glory" is Hui Ting. Both Ming Wu and Hui Ting are members of the five-person group, and because their families are relatively poor, Ming Wu and Hui Ting are more topical and sympathetic to each other.

2. Ming Wu has always been secretly in love with Whiting, but as a flight attendant, Whiting's dream is to become a rich wife.

3. Ming Wu also called Hui Ting to confess his love, but unfortunately he was rejected and died in the end.

Dark glory is all about Joon Ae Park Yeon Jin

"Dark Glory" is all about Jun's love for Park Yeon-jin, but this love is only a little more than other women. If Yeon-jin threatens his own interests or affects his own rights, Jae-joon will abandon Yeon-jin without hesitation.