今天哈哈娱乐网给各位分享的知识,其中也会对无限超越班有哪些人 导师和艺员分别都是谁进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在我们开始吧!

无限超越班》是演员专业艺训励志真人秀,12月10晚九点播出先导片 ,接档《嗨放派第二季》在浙江卫视播出,大家都很好奇是节目邀请了哪些人,主要节目内容是什么?






【英文介绍/For English】:

"Infinite Transcendence Class" is an inspirational reality show for actors' professional art training. The pilot film will be broadcast at 9:00 p.m. People, what is the main program content?

Presumably everyone has watched Hong Kong film and television works. Some pictures and clips will leave a deep impression on you. This is the result of the hard work of performers. They continue to try and create with their own abilities, leaving many unforgettable memories for everyone. , and "Infinite Transcendence Class" is to allow young actors to learn more from veteran Hong Kong film actors. In this way, the film and television industry will also inject fresh blood to help every actor participating in the show grow up.

The convener of this show is Jackie Chan, and Han Xue is his assistant. Both of them are excellent actors. In addition to the convener, there are also several mentors. They are Er Dongsheng, Hui Yinghong, Wu Zhenyu and She Shiman. They all have their own identities, Er Dongsheng is the producer and counselor, Hui Yinghong and Wu Zhenyu are the producer, and Charmaine Sheh is the manager of Infinity. They are responsible for different content, but they are all mentors of the students.

The artists who come to participate in the show must have great confidence in themselves. They need to bear a huge pressure. The convener and the mentor are all veteran actors in the industry. You can learn a lot from them. First of all, you must have a serious attitude. Only in this way can the teachers be recognized.

The artists invited by the program group this time include Li Zhiting, Xue Kaiqi, Li Yitong, Xu Weizhou, Shen Yue, Rong Zishan, Liu Yaowen, Guo Xiaoting, Zheng Yecheng, Zhou Jieqiong, Zhao Yingzi, Fan Shiqi, Zhou Keyu and He Yu. Many of these people are singers. It is really courageous to participate in the talent show since debut.

In addition, the program team will also arrange assistant performances, which is similar to "Actors Please Take Your Place", except that "Infinite Transcendence Class" revolves around Hong Kong film and television works, and the actors must learn Cantonese so that they can get extra points. Looking forward to the broadcast of the feature film Come out, it must be very exciting.