






【英文介绍/For English】:

What role does Integrity Snipe Ng Cheuk-hei play?

1. Zhuo Yifan played by Ng Zhuoxi in "Integrity Sniper" is a rich man with a black belly and domineering methods. He is both good and evil.

2. In everyone's impression, Wu Zhuoxi always plays the role of inspector. In fact, he can change a lot and can interpret various characters, not limited to one type.

3. Wu Zhuoxi broke everyone's previous filter of him in "Integrity Sniper" and interpreted different characters, which is also a challenge.

Integrity Attacks on Lhotse's Identity

"Integrity Sniper" Luo Zifeng is the investigation director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. He wears a suit and uniform, combs his hair neatly, and has very sharp eyes.