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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Who Stole My Pink Rabbit" is a children's movie directed by Caroline Link. It has been released in Germany in 2019, and it is now scheduled to be released in mainland China on December 16. It is estimated that many people have not seen this movie. The movie, which belongs to the realistic theme, in the movie, after the German girl Anna fled the motherland, she still misses the pink rabbit she didn't take away.

The film is adapted from the children's novel of the same name written by Judith Kerr. The background of the story is that in 1933, the Jews became the thorn in the eyes of the Nazis. But Anna's favorite pink rabbit was left in her hometown of Berlin. It was a plush toy that had accompanied him for many years. Just like her family, she would hug the pink rabbit to sleep every night.

The character of the protagonist Anna is set as a sweet and lovely nine-year-old girl who looks very delicate. She lives happily with her family in Berlin. However, the happy time came to an abrupt end when she was nine years old. In 1933, Anna found her family There are portraits of strangers posted nearby, as if something big happened.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Berlin to fall into chaos. Anna left her hometown with her family and joined the army of fugitives. Anna has two favorite toys, one is a puppy and the other is a pink rabbit. Her mother told her that she could only take one away. Anna was hesitant because both toys were her favorite. After some struggles, Anna chose the puppy, but she couldn't forget the pink bunny.

Anna's family first moved from Germany to Switzerland, then from Switzerland to France, and then from France to England. They were displaced along the way, but her pink rabbit was getting farther and farther away from her, and it might have been turned into garbage and thrown away , so this movie is to show how chaotic and terrifying Berlin was at that time. Since you choose to flee, you should throw away what should be thrown away. The pink rabbit is the most precious and unforgettable memory that Anna lost.