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【英文介绍/For English】:

Zhang Meng posted on her social platform, "Promise, people who listen to it will remember it, and those who said it will forget it." They all want to know the reason for her saying this. Is it because the recent live broadcast sales are not ideal, or is it emotional? something is wrong. Zhang Meng and Xiao Wu also experienced a lot from their acquaintance to their marriage. The two finally entered the palace of marriage. Has there been a relationship crisis so soon?

It is understood that Zhang Meng and Xiao Wu met because of their collaboration in the film "The Godfather of Love: Three Bad Guys". The two starred in the film, and there must have been a lot of intersection. However, Zhang Meng and Xiao Wu were not together at that time. It was not until 2019 that they formally dated, and then their relationship was made public. The two showed their affection on social platforms. At that time, everyone thought it was a godsend. After all, Zhang Meng and Xiao Wu have different circles of friends. It should be because there is a common topic.

After the announcement of Zhang Meng and Xiaowuguan, they received a lot of attention. Most people were not optimistic about them, and of course some sent blessings. The main reason is that after Zhang Meng and Xiao Wu got together, their popularity has indeed increased, so some people think that they are acting and hype, and they don't really like each other.

In 2021, Xiao Wu successfully proposed to Zhang Meng, and then someone said that Zhang Meng married Xiao Wu because Zhang Meng was pregnant, but until now, there is no sign of the child. Obviously, someone made something out of nothing.

When cooperating with "The Godfather of Love: Three Bad Guys", Xiao Wu was interviewed. He said that Zhang Meng is a cute and kind girl, and she would be shy when acting opposite her. It seems that since then, Xiao Wu has been very fond of Zhang Meng. With a different feeling, after the cooperation ended, the two had no intersection, and they didn't get together until they met again.

Xiaowu is called Jin Eunsheng. He was born in Seoul, South Korea in 1988. He is a singer and host. He debuted as a member of "Supreme Lihe" in 2008, and then became one of the hosts of "Everyday Upward". Later, he quit and is now with Zhang Meng. Live delivery.