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Does grandpa, the youngest son of the chaebol, like his grandson?

1. "The Youngest Son of the Plutocrat" The grandfather doesn't like the little grandson, and the grandfather only sends out liking signals to those who will make money for him. The little grandson was very obedient before and would help him make money, but later he rebelled and wanted to buy his own company .

2. Grandpa was very angry at Chen Daojun's change, and his first reaction was that he shouldn't be given compassionate love.

3. Grandpa is a cold-blooded person and has no real feelings for the people around him. Whoever can make money for himself is king.

Why didn't the grandpa, the youngest son of the chaebol, die?

The grandfather of "The Youngest Son of the Plutocrat" is not dead because the male protagonist Chen Daojun reminded him not to fly a plane that would cause accidents, so he avoided the air crash.