

1、《明星经纪人生存记》原著是法国电视剧《Dix Pour Cent》(《百分之十》),作为一部讲述娱乐圈的电视剧,该剧把明星和经纪人之间的相处、日常工作讲述的清楚。

2、《Dix Pour Cent》的主演是朱丽叶·比诺什、伊莎贝尔·于佩尔、莫妮卡·贝鲁奇等,真实的电视内容加上扎实的剧本,深受观众的喜欢。




【英文介绍/For English】:

Is there an original book of Star Broker Survival?

1. The original work of "Star Manager Survival" is the French TV series "Dix Pour Cent" ("Ten Percent"). Tell clearly.

2. "Dix Pour Cent" starred Juliette Binoche, Isabelle Huppert, Monica Bellucci, etc. The real TV content and solid script were deeply loved by the audience.

3. Korean directors and screenwriters, after localized adaptations, have performed well the contempt chain and difficult survival in the Korean showbiz.

Who is the heroine in Star Broker Survival

The heroine of "Star Manager Survival" is Chien Jae-in, she is a resolute female manager with a strong desire to win and lose, and of course her ability to execute actions is even stronger, and she can abandon everything for the artist.