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Prototype of the Pearl of the World

1. The prototype of the pearl in "The Long River under Heaven" is Nalan Mingzhu, a minister of the Qing Dynasty, who belonged to the Zhenghuang Banner of Manchuria.

2. Mingzhu was born in an aristocratic family. After marrying Azig's daughter, she became Kangxi's uncle, and was considered a relative of the emperor. Her official career went smoothly and she was favored by the emperor.

3. In the 14th year of Kangxi's reign, Mingzhu was in power, fighting against Suo'etu and secretly framing political enemies. In short, Mingzhu's historical evaluation is mixed.

Is the pearl of the world's long river a loyal minister?

"The Long River under Heaven" Mingzhu is a loyal minister. Although Mingzhu is ambitious and forms a party with other officials for personal gain, he is indeed loyal to Kangxi.