



3、于振甲严格遵循明清理学,性格倔强,他坚持自己的 想法,不承认有错,也不怕皇上杀他,皇上很清楚于振甲是个好官,只是没有意识到自己的错误。



【英文介绍/For English】:

Why didn't the Emperor of Changhe kill Yu Zhenjia?

1. In "The Long River Under Heaven", the emperor did not kill Yu Zhenjia because although Yu Zhenjia was pedantic, he was an upright and upright official, which is very rare.

2. Because of Yu Zhenjia's selfish desires, the people in the three downstream provinces were displaced. The emperor ordered people to escort him to the capital and did not kill him.

3. Yu Zhenjia strictly followed the Ming Qing Dynasty and had a stubborn personality. He insisted on his own ideas, did not admit his mistakes, and was not afraid that the emperor would kill him. The emperor knew that Yu Zhenjia was a good official, but he did not realize his mistakes.

Do River Rou'er and Chen Huang have an emotional scene?

There are many male characters in "The Long River of the World", and the proportion of female characters is very small. Among them, the most outstanding one is Rouer, the daughter of the former river governor Wang Guangyu. Everyone wants to know if there is an emotional scene between Rouer and Chen Huang? Does Rou'er like Chen Huang? There are many rivalries between the two, which inevitably makes people think too much.