






【英文介绍/For English】:

The ending of the first love heroine's son in Japanese drama

1. The heroine's son of the Japanese drama "First Love" ended up becoming a very famous musician, and the relationship with the dancer Kosenshi is also very sweet. Although the two cannot be together often, this does not affect their relationship.

2. Yeying's son, Xiang Banzhu, likes female dancers. The dancer is Xiang Banzhu's first love. Because of her, he is constantly inspired to create music.

3. Relying on the support of his mother, Xiang Banzui bravely pursued the dancer, and then the two ushered in a happy ending.

Why is the heroine of the first love in Japanese dramas a driver?

The heroine of the Japanese drama "First Love" works as a driver in order to earn more money, and also so that she has no free time. Her son is sent back to her ex-husband just to allow him to receive a better education. She becomes a driver herself and works day and night.