本篇文章给大家谈谈他是谁小雅人物介绍 小雅是碎尸案的死者吗,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。







【英文介绍/For English】:

"Who is He" has just started broadcasting two major suspenses, namely the identity of the murderer in the serial murder case and the identity of the deceased in the corpse dismemberment case. Many people suspect that the red-clothed woman Xiaoya who appeared at the beginning is an unknown corpse. They must also be curious about Xiaoya. For relevant clues, let's take a look at what kind of existence Xiaoya is.

The sanitation worker found a mysterious black bag while disposing of the garbage. When he took it home, he realized that it was a human corpse, so he rushed to call the police. Immediately afterwards, the criminal guard Wei Guoping led his team on Sipo Road, Bean Sprout Bridge and Different body parts were found in Jiangwangmiao, all from the same deceased.

Subsequently, the police launched an investigation into the identity of the unidentified corpse, and the forensic doctor judged from the female hair in the garbage dump that the deceased was between 20 and 25 years old. Viewers who followed the series must have discovered that the murderer wanted to kill a woman wearing glasses at the beginning, because the woman was wearing a pair of red high heels. Fortunately, the woman was lucky enough to escape.

Some viewers felt that the woman was not destined, but that the murderer let her go on purpose. Otherwise, with the strength of the murderer, the targeted woman would definitely not be able to escape. If this is the case, it can only show that the woman wearing glasses is not the target of the murderer. Immediately afterwards, the murderer focused on Xiaoya, and Xiaoya also wore a pair of red high heels. After that, Xiaoya disappeared.

Xiaoya's age, height and hair are all in line with the deceased, so she should be the person who best matches the characteristics of the unknown corpse so far. When Xiaoya appeared on the stage, she was picking out wedding supplies with her elders. She was not interested in other things, but a pair of red high-heeled shoes caught her eye. The elders bought them after seeing that she liked them very much. Afterwards, Xiaoya walked out of the mall wearing red high-heeled shoes.

Judging from all the signs, Xiaoya's marriage partner may not be the one she likes. She bought high heels to please others, not her fiancé. In the end, her fiancé found out about this and brutally killed Xiaoya. Of course, this is just speculation, the truth What is it will not be known until the plot is updated.