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【英文介绍/For English】:

The leading film of the sixth season of "Wife's Romantic Travel" is online, and the next eight guests will take you to enjoy the beautiful scenery of different places. Some people are curious who is the leader of this season, and will Xie Na return? After all, everyone knows that Xie Na is the team leader of "Wife's Romantic Travel" for four seasons. If she comes, it will definitely be more interesting.

"Wife's Romantic Travel" is Mango's self-produced emotional healing program for couples. The guests invited are all celebrity couples. They will show the couple's private relationship in the program. There are sweetness and conflicts. Of course, it is more about mutual understanding. After all, it is Those who want to walk hand in hand for a lifetime should try to accommodate each other's shortcomings.

Xie Na was the head of the first to fourth seasons of "Wife's Romantic Travel". In the fifth season, Liu Tao was replaced. Now that the sixth season is coming, everyone is looking forward to the head of the team being Xie Na. Since "Happy Camp" stopped After the broadcast, Xie Na has not appeared in the audience's sight for a long time. Some people must miss her very much, and she can bring happiness to everyone.

The star couples in the sixth season include Liu Yun and Zheng Jun, Miao Miao and Zheng Kai, Bao Lei and Lu Yi, Chen Qiaoen and Ai Lun. It is understood that there is no fixed team leader for this season, and Xie Na will not return because the format of the show has changed. The four husbands To travel with his wife and start a "guardian" journey, and the four husbands will take turns as the head of the group.

The sixth season has a total of six episodes, and each episode changes to a different recording location. The first stop is Inner Mongolia, where you can see the prairie, and the four couples will gather there. The second stop is the beautiful Shangri-La. Everyone knows that Xie Na and Zhang Jie’s wedding was held in Shangri-La. It is romantic and beautiful. Unfortunately, Xie Na did not come this time.

The third stop is Hangzhou, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, refreshing, and you can feel the breath of nature. The fourth stop is Suzhou, which is as famous as Hangzhou. There is a saying that "there is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below", and the fifth stop is Sanya. The tourist destination that many people yearn for, the sixth stop should be Hunan, which also indicates that this season of the show is coming to an end, and everyone is probably looking forward to it.