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【英文介绍/For English】:

"Qingqing Daily" Xinchuanzhu has a total of eleven sons, the eighth of whom died young, and the remaining sons each have their own characteristics. I am curious who will inherit his position? Could it be Yin Zheng, the sixth young master? Did Yin Zheng become the new Sichuan Lord in the end?

Yin Zheng is the heroine of this drama, gentle and introverted, wise and courageous, with great ambitions but nowhere to display them, guarding his own one-third of an acre of land, living a very uncomfortable life. Although Yin Zheng is the Sixth Young Lord of Xinchuan, he has a low sense of existence with Lord Xinchuan and is not valued. Even his biological mother is indifferent to him.

Yin Zheng grew up in a cruel environment, his father did not love his mother, and he was weak since childhood, and suffered from stomach problems at every turn. It was because of the stomach pain that he met the heroine Li Wei. Li Wei sent him back to the room. Afterwards, Yin Zheng So she asked to marry Li Wei as his side wife, and the two gradually fell in love with each other as they got along, and decided to protect each other for the rest of their lives.

After Yin Zheng wanted to help Lord Xinchuan settle the matter between Danchuan and Jinchuan, he made Li Wei his wife. Before he could take action, he was accused of marrying Jinchuan County Lord Yuanying. She was also forced to have a good impression. In this way, two people who did not love each other became husband and wife in order to maintain the friendship between the two countries, and the matter of Li Wei's rectification also fell through.

Yin Zheng is one of the better sons of Lord Xinchuan. He is kind-hearted and intelligent. Because he is not a descendant, Lord Xinchuan seldom pays attention to him. The future lord of Xinchuan in Xinchuan’s heart is the second prince Yin Song. Yin Song is the eldest son, with means and courage, but compared with Yin Zheng, Yin Song is not nearly as good. Yin Song managed Xinchuan instead of competing with Yin Song for the position of crown prince.

In the eyes of his father, Yin Zheng seems to be a tool man. In fact, he doesn't care about it, as long as it doesn't hinder his life. Yin Zheng married Li Wei and Yuan Ying successively. It is reported that Yin Zheng won the hearts of the people with his own strength and inherited the The position of the Lord of Xinchuan, and Yuanying left Xinchuan and returned to Jinchuan after Yin Zheng's success, the ending is still uncertain.