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【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Corridor Pavilion" mainly revolves around the story of Zhou Yang and Lin Zhenhui's revenge, but they are rivals. In fact, anyone who has read the original book knows who set the fire in the Corridor Pavilion. It was not Du Yu who was burned to death, but the real illegitimate son of the Gao family. , Let's take a look at what's going on?

Gao Jin, the master of the Gao family, knew that he would not live long, so he entrusted his secretary Ye Tong to find his illegitimate son who was living abroad. Ye Tong found Du Yu based on the clues in his hand, and confirmed that he was the illegitimate son of the Gao family. Lin Zhenhui's conspiracy, Du Yu is not an illegitimate child, he is the son of Lin Zhenhui and her ex-husband.

More than 20 years ago, Gao Jin sent Lin Zhenhui's son away in order to control Lin Zhenhui. As a result, Lin Zhenhui always thought that her son was dead and hated Gao Jin. Later, she met Du Yu and found that Du Yu was her son. Du Yu took the place of the Gao family's illegitimate son and sought to seize the Gao family's property. This plan was successfully implemented.

Ye Tong believed that Du Yu was the person she was looking for, and Ye Tong actually fell in love with Du Yu during the two getting along. At this time, a fire broke out in the corridor pavilion, and Ye Tong was burned and disfigured, but his life was saved, but Du Yu was burned to death. Is that body really Du Yu?

Ye Tong changed her name to Zhou Yang after undergoing plastic surgery. She thought Du Yu was really dead, so she went back to the corridor pavilion to investigate the truth and avenge her beloved. However, the truth made it difficult for Zhou Yang to accept that it was not Du Yu who died at the scene of the fire, and Du Yu was not Gao Jin's illegitimate son.

The fire at the Corridor Pavilion was jointly committed by Lin Zhenhui and Du Yu, and the real illegitimate son of the Gao family was burned to death. Lin Zhenhui hated Gao Jin deeply, so she designed step by step to let Du Yu replace the illegitimate son of the Gao family. Fearing that the matter would be exposed, Lin Zhenhui designed a fire just in case, and burned the real illegitimate son of Gao's family to death. Only then did the story of Zhou Yang's revenge follow, and finally Lin Zhenhui and Du Yu accepted legal sanctions.