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The first few episodes of the blackening of the hero of the moon of love

1. The blackening of the hero of "Moon of Love" is the 9th episode. After the love between Yigu and Kazuko was found out by friends, they didn't understand Yigu, so they alienated and ridiculed the hero, and then Yigu became black.

2. Yigu's blackening is to protect love, it is positive energy and very courageous.

3. Yigu and Zi's love was ridiculed, which also caused Yigu to grow up rapidly. Sometimes the growth of a boy is really a momentary thing.

What does the Japanese drama Moon of Love want to express?

The Japanese drama "Moon of Love" wants to express that the most important thing is to find a suitable lifestyle, work and even love. You can't follow the crowd, and don't give up on yourself.