






【英文介绍/For English】:

The Prototype of Pei Jian

1. There is no prototype of Pei Jian in "The Record of Strange Events in the Tang Dynasty". Pei Jian is not a real person in history, but a fictional one created by the author.

2. The dynasty background of the play is the period of Tang Ruizong, Pei Jian is the son of the emperor, but after the case of the tower, the emperor no longer trusts Pei Jian.

3. Pei Jian was indeed capable, and the emperor was reluctant to kill him, so he was demoted to Nanzhou and made him the county captain of Ju County. This was also the last concession of the emperor.

Why was Pei Shilang demoted from the record of strange events in the Tang Dynasty

"Tang Dynasty Weird Records" Pei Shilang was demoted because he ran away and did not stand on the united front with the emperor. When the emperor's plan failed, he was used to vent his anger.