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【英文介绍/For English】:

"About the Thing That Ghost and I Become Family Members" is a suspenseful thriller movie starring Xu Guanghan and Lin Bohong. You can guess from the title that the plot tells the story between humans and ghosts, so this movie is adapted from a novel ? What kind of role did Xu Guanghan play?

"The Thing About Me and the Ghost Becoming a Family Member" has been announced to be released on February 10, 2023, and will be released in Taiwan, China. The director is Cheng Weihao, who is well-known in the industry and has directed many excellent film and television works , such as the "Little Girl in Red" series and "The Witness's Pursuit", etc., have won the Golden Horse Award for Best Director.

This time, "About the Event That Ghost and I Became Family Members" directed by Cheng Weihao has a very novel theme, combining various elements such as comedy, suspense, thriller and homosexuality. It is reported that this film does not have an original novel, but an original script. It will be previewed at the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival on November 20, 2022, and the real release will not be until 2023.

The story told in this movie is very interesting. Wu Minghan, played by Xu Guanghan, is a policeman with a straightforward personality and a straightforward relationship. One day, Wu Minghan accidentally picked up a red envelope. Unexpectedly, a man appeared in the red envelope. The male is a male ghost played by Lin Bohong. Under his persecution, Wu Minghan married him into a ghost marriage.

Judging from the preview, Wu Minghan is attacking, and the male ghost is receiving, but the two are only "husband and wife" in name. The male ghost asks Wu Minghan to fulfill his wish within seven days, otherwise he will continue to entangle. , So he opened the way to help the male ghost realize his wish.

Xu Guanghan and Lin Bohong play a couple in the movie. The setting of same-sex ghost marriage is quite interesting. The screenwriter put these two elements together, and the effect is very good. It corresponds to the title of the film. I don’t know the relationship between Wu Minghan and the male ghost. What is the ending? The male ghost should fulfill his wish and reincarnate. Wu Minghan also got rid of the male ghost's entanglement. Let's discuss the ending after the movie is released.