






【英文介绍/For English】:

What did Chidao Cai Liqiu do?

1. "Chi Dao" Cai Liqiu deliberately filmed a video of Duan Yucheng pushing Lu Yao down at the Asian Athletics Championships, and also distorted that he did it on purpose, coupled with the release of rumored articles, which caused Duan Yucheng to withdraw from the competition.

2. As an athlete, Duan Yucheng sticks to his heart and does not accept entertainment interviews, but Cai Liqiu is jealous of him and deliberately framed Duan Yucheng.

3. Duan Yucheng was framed by Cai Liqiu, which made him unable to participate in the competition, and finally had to go abroad to study at his own expense.

Did Chi Dao Luo Na and Duan Yucheng really break up?

"The Chidao" Luo Na and Duan Yucheng did not break up. In order to urge Duan Yucheng to concentrate on training and not be able to disperse his energy on love, Luo Na made a rule, otherwise they will break up.