


2、陈嘉岚在何正钰的保护下 活了下来,男女主都没有死,他们是主cp ,最后会好好在一起。




【英文介绍/For English】:

Is My Secret Roommate Mistress Dead?

1. The heroine of "My Secret Roommate" did not die. At the critical moment, the hero rescued the kidnapped heroine regardless of his ability.

2. Chen Jialan survived under the protection of He Zhengyu, the male and female protagonists are not dead, they are the main CP, and they will be together in the end.

3. This drama mainly tells the experience of He Zhengyu and Chen Jialan getting to know each other and falling in love across time and space.

Does my secret roommate have Dai Gaozheng?

"My Secret Roommate" has Dai Gaozheng, who plays the role of Jiang Shenghao, who has a childhood with the heroine Chen Jialan.