


2、 阿香性格文静,不爱说话,刚出场时感觉她十分神秘,眼睛里好像藏着很多东西。




【英文介绍/For English】:

Does the fat man in Kunlun Shrine like Ah Xiang?

1. Fatty likes Axiang in "Kunlun Shrine". At the beginning, the two didn't have much contact with each other. After going through some things together, Fatty gradually fell in love with Axiang.

2. Axiang has a quiet personality and doesn't like to talk. When she first appeared on the stage, she felt very mysterious, and there seemed to be many things hidden in her eyes.

3. Fatty Wang took good care of Axiang and thought of her everywhere. Axiang should be able to feel it. In the end, he didn't say whether the two were together.

Is Ah Xiang and Fatty together in Kunlun Shrine?

In "Kunlun Shrine", Ah Xiang and Fatty are not together. Fatty does have a crush on Axiang, but there are not many emotional scenes between the two.