最近有很多热心网友都十分关心爱的二八定律感情线介绍 秦施和阳华是先婚后爱吗这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「阳光刺穿瞳孔」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。






只是人算不如天算,阳华在跟秦施相处过程中竟然动了真情,并对秦施展开猛烈的追求,秦施招架不住,最终两人 成为真夫妻,所以说男女主是先婚后爱,另外,这部剧里还有其他的感情线,陶俊辉和吴菲是一对,秦文宇和任梅梅是一对,金诚和唐伊慧是一对。

【英文介绍/For English】:

In fact, "The 28th Law of Love" is a story that revolves around the emotional lines of the hero and heroine. Qin Shi and Yanghua each have their own personalities and experiences. It is a godsend fate that they can come together. Married", Qin Shi didn't know that he had a husband he had never met until five years later. Apart from the hero and heroine, there are many emotional lines in the play, but the highlights are more attractive than the main line.

Yang Mi and Xu Kai play the male and female protagonists in "The 28th Law of Love". Qin Shi played by Yang Mi is an elite lawyer, and Yang Hua played by Xu Kai is a senior otaku. What kind of sparks can the two collide with? First of all, it is certain that Qin Shi and Yanghua will be together in the end. How did they meet and love each other?

Qin Shi wholeheartedly wants to enter a top law firm, but the law firm requires that the recruits must be married. Qin Shi's second brother didn't want her to miss this opportunity, so he secretly filled in "married" in the column of her marital status without telling her. , In this way, Qin Shi became a married person without knowing it.

Five years later, Qin Shi found out that he was married at a partner party. Of course, she couldn't expose herself. At the same time, Yang Hua was forced to marry by his mother. In desperation, he found a wife he had never met. Qin Shi. Qin Shi and Yang Hua didn't want to get married at first, but they got together by accident.

At the beginning, Qin Shi pursued Yanghua. Her purpose was very simple. She needed to find someone to obtain a license for her career, and Yanghua was the most suitable candidate. Yanghua didn't want to let herself suffer, so she made an agreement with Qin Shi, and the agreement marked the time limit It was three years, which meant that he was willing to be a fake couple with Qin Shi for three years, and when the three years came, the two would part ways, and Qin Shi readily agreed.

It's just that people are not as good as heaven, Yanghua actually fell in love with Qin Shi in the process of getting along, and pursued Qin Shi fiercely. Love, in addition, there are other emotional lines in this drama, Tao Junhui and Wu Fei are a couple, Qin Wenyu and Ren Meimei are a couple, Jin Cheng and Tang Yihui are a couple.