本篇文章给大家谈谈唐朝诡事录鼍神真实身份是谁 鼍神案件分析结局怎么样,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。







【英文介绍/For English】:

The latest case in "Tang Dynasty Strange Events" is the case of the God of God. This case is confusing and very strange. The people of Ninghu worship the God of God very much. The God of God established the God of God to take advantage of this mentality of the people to control everything in Ninghu. What is the God of God's true identity? Is he a man or a ghost?

Under Su Wuming's investigation, it was discovered that the Shrine is an evil organization. They would put to death those who opposed the God. The victims were not only businessmen, but also Sima and soldiers from the state. Su Wuming and Lu Lingfeng finally found out that it was Zeng Sanyi who joined the army pretending to be the God of God. Why did Zeng Sanyi harm Ninghu?

Zeng Sanyi stated that he used to study poetry and books in order to gain fame, but because of his poor background and ugly appearance, he failed every time even though he was at the top of the list. Zeng Sanyi felt that the world was unfair, and he had nowhere to use his strategy of governing the country. He could only join the army as a small soldier in Ninghu, and his heart must be full of resentment.

Thirty years ago, Zeng Sanyi appeared in front of everyone as the God of God. The purpose was to make those officials who entered the officialdom because of family background worship him and obey him. The disciples of the shrine killed all the officials.

The truth of the matter came to light, all the disciples of the Nao Shrine were under control, Zeng Sanyi took advantage of the chaos and fled, he originally wanted to kill Su Wuming and others, but Pei Xijun and Xue Huan ruined his good deed. Zeng Sanyi picked up an arrow to shoot Su Wuming to death, but Lu Lingfeng shot Zeng Sanyi with the long spear brought by Pei Xijun. In this way, Zeng Sanyi was taken down, and the case of God God came to an end.

Su Wuming asked Gu Changshi to release all the cats on the island of God of Gods. They were innocent, but only controlled by Zeng Sanyi to eat people. Now that the mastermind behind the scenes has been found out, Su Wuming didn't investigate other officials too deeply. The ending is already very good.