本篇文章给大家谈谈正义回廊逆子弑亲案真相揭秘 真实案件最终结果是什么,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。







【英文介绍/For English】:

"The Corridor of Justice" mainly revolves around a case of inverse son killing relatives. Zhang Xianzong and his friend Tang Wenqi killed his biological parents in the apartment. How much hatred can there be between you and your parents? Why did Zhang Xianzong be so cruel to his parents?

Zhang Xianzong and Tang Wenqi joined hands to kill their parents and dismembered the body. During the interrogation stage, both of them denied the murder charge. The lawyers on both sides were also arguing vigorously to defend their clients. After a heated debate, Zhang Xianzong and Tang Wenqi staged a genius The drama with idiots finally revealed the truth, and the murderer paid a heavy price.

This case has a prototype. It happened in 2013. Zhou Kailiang and his friend Xie Zhenqi killed their parents and dismembered their bodies. At the beginning, Zhou Kailiang concealed the truth from his elder brother. After his elder brother couldn’t contact his parents, he searched for his parents’ whereabouts on the Internet. There was really no way. Only to call the police.

After calling the police, the police questioned Zhou Kailiang, and Zhou Kailiang answered flawlessly. Later, the police received a call, and the other party claimed that he was Zhou Kailiang’s game friend. It turned out that Zhou Kailiang had shown off to his game friends after killing his parents. Zhou Kailiang was arrested.

Zhou Kailiang pushed the murder charge to his friend Xie Zhenqi. The procuratorate conducted an intelligence test for Zhou Kailiang and Xie Zhenqi. The result was that Zhou Kailiang had a higher IQ than ordinary people, while Xie Zhenqi had a low IQ. corpse.

The reason why Zhou Kailiang attacked his parents was that he was short in stature, was often ridiculed by others, and had never been in a relationship. He blamed all this on his parents and was dissatisfied with them. Gradually, this dissatisfaction turned into resentment. He owed huge debts, so he killed his parents, thinking that he would get the inheritance. In the end, Zhou Kailiang was sentenced to life imprisonment. Xie Zhenqi did not participate in the murder, but only participated in the burial. He was sentenced to one year in prison. The ending of the movie version should be the same .