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【英文介绍/For English】:

The latest plot of "Tang Dynasty Strange Events" is the case of Zhongshengtang. What is going on in this case? What does that have to do with the Orange County dismemberment case? Who is the murderer? Lu Lingfeng found cat hair on the corpse, and couldn't help thinking of the wild cats in the back house of Zhongshengtang. The murderer was probably hidden in Zhongshengtang.

Master Fei Ji and Mr. Meng Dong are both disciples of genius doctors. No wonder Master Fei Ji got himself drunk when he came to Ju County. Obviously he didn't want to get involved in this matter. Could it be that the case of Zhongshengtang is related to Mr. Meng Dong? Is Mr. Meng Dong dead or alive?

Meng Dong is always Zhai Liang's uncle. Before he died, he asked Zhai Liang to bury himself in the back house of Zhongshengtang, so that he could continue to guard Zhongshengtang. Since this incident violated the folk customs of Ju County, so apart from Zhai Liang, No one knows where Meng Donglao is buried.

The flower picker Liang Sanqi regards Zhongshengtang as his own place. Does he have anything to do with the Ju County dismemberment case? Liang Sanqi admitted that those women were raped and killed by himself, but where did the heads of the corpses go? It is impossible for Liang Sanqi to dismember the body after killing someone, so there is no need for him to do so.

Judging from the official promotional photos, Meng Donglao is not dead, he appeared in front of everyone, and there is a corpse in front of him, and there are many heads on the shelf next to him. It is speculated that Meng Donglao hid in the Hall of All Living Beings after his fake death Human experiments were conducted in the attic of the back house.

Zhai Liang said before that the people in Ju County suffered from headaches due to the miasma, and only 30% of them could recover. Created a set of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, which can relieve headaches.

Later, Meng Dong Lao relied on suspended animation to hide in the Hall of All Life, and patiently studied human medicine. Liang Sanqi was once rescued by Mr. Meng Dong, so he killed the woman after defiled, and then handed over the head to Mr. Meng Dong for experimentation. Moreover, Liang Sanqi often pretended to be a ghost, so that no one approached Zhongshengtang. Over time, Zhongshengtang became Meng Dong. The old world, so Meng Donglao and Liang Sanqi are both murderers.