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【英文介绍/For English】:

There are Easter eggs in "The Journey Back" and the surprise of the Easter eggs is Wu Jing, who appeared as Wang Junkai's father at the end of the movie. In fact, apart from this real Easter egg, there are many detailed Easter eggs in the film.

In an interview, director Rao Xiaozhi of "The Journey Back" recounted the process of Wu Jing's cameo appearance in the film. Wu Jing and Zhang Yi, the star of "A Thousand Miles of Homecoming", are very good friends. The two have worked together on "The Climber" and "King Kong River" before, and Guo Fan, the director and screenwriter of the movie "The Wandering Earth" starring Wu Jing, is "A Thousand Miles of Homecoming". Producer, so after everyone's discussion, it was decided to let Wu Jing appear in the end-credits egg.

According to the director’s revelation, once Wu Jing went to visit the cast of “The Journey of Thousand Miles”, the character Cheng Lang played by Wang Junkai at that time had a line saying “My father is a soldier”, so the director wanted Wu Jing to play the role of Cheng Lang’s father. Unexpectedly Wu Jing quickly agreed. In this way, Wu Jing appeared in the easter egg, and had rival scenes with Zhang Yi and Wang Junkai. This is also the most surprising part of the whole movie.

In fact, there are some details in the movie that are very poignant. The first detail is that the phone 12308 that appears in the movie is real and belongs to the emergency hotline for consular protection and service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The second detail is that Zong Dawei’s passport says " "Diplomatic passport", because Chinese passports are divided into diplomatic passports, official passports, ordinary passports and special service passports.

The third detail is Sinbad's sailing adventures in "One Thousand and One Nights" recited by the little girl, which is similar to the situation when they escaped from the war zone. The fourth detail is the Russian roulette used by Zong Dawei and the rebels for betting Gambling, this kind of gambling game has appeared in many movies.

The fifth detail is that the stamp date of the border officer's exit approval is March 5, 2015. The real time is March 5, 2015, which is the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year's Lantern Festival. The theme song "The Wind on the Way Home" was sung by Faye Wong. This is the fourth time she has contributed to a National Day movie, so it is a surprise easter egg.