很多朋友对于夜夜相见不识君结局是什么 男女主最后在一起了吗和不太懂,今天就由小编光风霁月来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!






【英文介绍/For English】:

"Meeting Every Night Without Knowing You", the hero is Li Shubai, the heir of the Hou family, and the heroine is the cold-faced killer Jiang Yuxiao. The fate of the two is linked by a marriage gift. Li Shubai realized that Jiang Yuxiao had murderous intentions towards him, so he pretended to have amnesia and got away with it. So what is the final ending of this drama? Did Li Shubai and Jiang Yuxiao fall in love with each other? Are the two together?

The story of this play takes place in the superficial era. Li Shubai is a notorious and cynical prince in the eyes of the outside world, and he offended many people. Jiang Yuxiao is the killer of Xingyue Tower, her mission is to kill Li Shubai and eliminate harm for the people, so Jiang Yuxiao replaced Miss Jiang's family and married into the Hou Mansion, and became husband and wife with Li Shubai.

Li Shubai and Jiang Yuxiao had met once three years ago. At that time Li Shubai fell in love with Jiang Yuxiao at first sight. He didn't want to marry a woman he had never met, so he chose to escape marriage. Unfortunately, he didn't succeed, so he was forced to marry Jiang Yuxiao. But Jiang Yuxiao only had a mission in mind, as long as she could complete the mission, she could sacrifice anything, so Jiang Yuxiao was cold-blooded, and she and Li Shubai were a superficial couple.

Li Shubai and Jiang Yuxiao fell in love with each other in the process of getting along, and they also recognized each other. Li Shubai once saved Jiang Yuxiao, and Jiang Yuxiao would never hurt Li Shubai. The truth behind Yuelou.

In the beginning, the male and female protagonists regarded each other as enemies, and the reason for their marriage was not pure, but as the plot progressed, Li Shubai and Jiang Yuxiao's relationship became better and better. In the story, Li Shubai rescued Jiang Yuxiao who was in the quagmire, and led her out of the darkness. Jiang Yuxiao also healed Li Shubai and gave everything for him. This drama mainly tells about the emotional development process of the hero and heroine. Not surprisingly, Li Shubai and Jiang Yuxiao finally got together. This is the most common ending of costume romance dramas.