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【英文介绍/For English】:

"A Thousand Miles Home" is an "Evacuation of Overseas Chinese" movie starring Zhang Yi, Wang Junkai and Yin Tao. It is based on the evacuation of overseas Chinese in Libya and tells the story of diplomats going to the war zone to carry out the evacuation mission.

The prototype of the virtual country Noumia in the movie is Libya. Many people may not know about the evacuation of overseas Chinese in Libya. Let’s take a look at the background of the story of "The Way Back".

The mass evacuation of overseas Chinese from Libya took place in February 2011, on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Chinese people living in Libya were celebrating the Lantern Festival. They were all employees of Huafeng’s branch in Libya. You can't spend the Spring Festival in your hometown.

The Chinese workers chatted with their relatives who were far away in the country, and the content was that a large-scale anti-government demonstration broke out in Benghazi. There were frequent turmoil in Libya in those years, but they were all quelled by the government. Unexpectedly, the situation was very serious this time. On the second day of the Lantern Festival, armed conflict broke out in Benghazi. Many Libyan people who demonstrated were killed, and the conflict gradually escalated.

At this time, Libya's anti-government armed forces took advantage of the vacancy and took control of most of Benghazi. Libya fell into chaos. This war was inevitable. The personal and property safety of Chinese citizens was threatened, especially the employees of Huafeng Company. A complete shutdown was announced, and employees were not allowed to go out. However, what they were worried about happened. Huafeng Company was attacked by mobs.

At that time, all communications in Libya were cut off, and there was no signal on mobile phones. The employees of Huafeng Company were in a dangerous situation. On February 19, 2011, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs received an urgent report from the embassy in Libya. The director of the Department of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs arranged for various departments to cooperate and carry out a large-scale evacuation operation.

After multi-party coordination, on the evening of February 23, major Chinese airlines flew from multiple airports to Egypt and other countries to bring Chinese citizens back to China. On March 5, the 12-day evacuation mission from Libya was successfully concluded. , This is the prototype story of "The Journey Back".