






【英文介绍/For English】:

Is Fei Jishi good or bad?

1. Master Fei Ji in "Tang Dynasty Strange Events" is good. Although he is unkempt, he knows how to behave in the officialdom.

2. Master Fei Ji used to be an official in Wu Zetian's time, but he was framed and reduced to the current state, eating and drinking under the eyes of the governor of Nanzhou.

3. Di Renjie was kind to Master Fei Ji, so Master Fei Ji assisted Su Wuming in investigating the case for Di Renjie's sake.

What is the origin of Master Fei Ji in Tang Dynasty

1. "Tang Dynasty Strange Events" Fei Jishi was a chicken-stealing beggar when he first appeared on the stage. In fact, his real identity is not simple, and he was involved in a certain case during the Wu Dynasty.