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【英文介绍/For English】:

The identity of Eleven Niang played by Wu Chunyi in "Tang Dynasty Strange Events" is not simple. What is the relationship between her and Yin Shilang? After Yin Shilang disappeared, Eleven Niang went online. Are they alone?

The play is adapted from the novel of the same name, telling the story of Lu Lingfeng and Su Wuming working together to solve many mysteries. The plot begins with the case of the disappearance of the bride and the case of Chang'an black tea. These two cases are inextricably linked, so what does Yin Shilang and Eleven Niang have to do with the case?

Chang'an black tea is the hottest tea in Chang'an City. The dignitaries rush to buy and drink it. I am curious about the recipe of black tea? In fact, uncovering the truth about the bride's disappearance will naturally lead to knowing what happened to Chang'an Black Tea.

The bride Dou Cong was kidnapped and killed on the way to get married, and the murderer was Yin Julang wearing a square mask. At first, Dou Cong's younger brother Dou Yulin opposed his sister marrying him when he learned that Song Chai was addicted to gambling, but Dou Cong insisted on fulfilling his marriage contract with Song Chai. For the sake of his sister's happiness, Dou Yulin went to the ghost market to find the omnipotent Yin Shilang , he asked Yin Shilang to abduct Dou Cong on his way to get married and take him to Luoyang to avoid the limelight.

It's just that Dou Yulin never thought that Yin Shilang was a treacherous and evil person. He killed Dou Cong because he needed the bride's blood to make black tea. Black tea needs the bride's blood and prohibited items to achieve the desired effect. So Dou Cong fell into Yin Shilang's hands and had only a dead end.

Yin Shilang and Eleven Niang are the same person, Eleven Niang looks enchanting, graceful, and is good at illusion, so no one knows that Eleven Niang is Yin Shilang's transformation. After Yin Shilang went offline, Eleven Niang officially took over the black tea business, and she continued to do harm to Chang'an.

I'm very curious about who is playing Eleven Niang. She is played by Wu Chunyi. She is a mainland actress born in 1990. She has acted in many film and television works, such as "Nine Songs of the Sky" and "Informal Love", etc. With a charming appearance and a hot figure, the Eleven Niang she played can be called a "stranger in the world".