

1、《唐朝诡事录》阴十娘不是好人 ,她长得千娇百媚,擅长利用幻术蛊惑人心。

2、阴十娘和阴十郎是一个人,阴十郎做完坏事后,通过 变幻之术变成了风姿绰约的阴十娘。




【英文介绍/For English】:

Is Yin Shiniang a good person in Tang Dynasty Weird Records

1. Yin Shiniang is not a good person in "Tang Dynasty Strange Events Record". She is charming and good at using illusion to confuse people's hearts.

2. Yin Shiniang and Yin Shilang are one person. After Yin Shilang did bad things, he transformed into a graceful Yin Shiniang through the magic trick.

3. Yin Shilang does all kinds of evil. After he went offline, Yin Shiniang officially went online and continued to sell black tea, so Yin Shiniang is not a good person.

Who is Pei Xijun

1. "Records of Strange Events in the Tang Dynasty" Pei Xijun is the daughter of high-ranking official Pei Jian. She was born in a family of officials and eunuchs.